Originally posted by Dane
Omg, I love viruses so much, I had to infect myself with this one. Doesnt seem to do much though except cause Help and Support center to open .
ROFL, I wonder why, Dane?
Originally posted by toddy
Originally posted by Segosa
Meh. It's nothing special. Almost exactly the same as the last. Downloads a 508KB file to C:\patch.exe from home.comcast.net and executes it. Creates a service named hotkeysvc etc. It hasn't changed much at all. They're getting boring, the variant creators need more imagination.
well why don't u code something, sure it would beat anything anyone else could make
Suggesting someone to make a virus will piss the staff off. It has done so before, just a friendly warning.
Originally posted by lp15
man I can't understand how ppl fall for this.. I mean .PIF
WHO THE F*** uses that kinda file? I eman seriously its stupid ppl getting it, and then you have to bust your ass finding them ways to get it out, thx for the link btw its rlly helpfull!1
Not everyone is as elite as you, sir. Besides, .PIF files are cool. As are .ES, .EVIL, .SEPH, gotta love them. Unless you'd like to spend your time educating people to not do something (which result in them doing it) then seriously, don't reply to topics like this unless you can offer help.There are for too many posts where someone asks for virus help and then they get put down by posters calling them idiots and such. Please don't be tempted to do this, it doesn't help the situation, really.