Originally posted by Lee Jeffery
Run-time error '13':
Type mismatch
when i start msn
MSN 7.0.0632/7.0.0425
MsgPlus 3.50 (this might be the problem)
Firstly when did you download the plugin as it was updated after a lot of ppl had gotten the same error msg. If in fact you do have the fixed version try killing everything MSN, plus etc using task manager, then rerun the bat file, run plus and MSN again and hope fully that will fix the error msg.
Secondly I realised earlier that the plugin does NOT work with MSN 7.0.0604 and I think the same would be true for 623, tho I have not tried, 425 works fine tho.
Thirdly and most importantly MsgPlus 3.50 HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED!! As far as I know, if I am wrong pleaes correct me and tell me where it is you found out it was, as this, the offical site doesn't have it
and if it didn't come from here it ain't MsgPlus