hi all
im back from camp and we did quitea few stuff (even though it was only like 3 days)
day 1: we had to get up at 7:00 (record for me 0.o). We waited for ages for all the buses to arive and then when they finally arrived we headed of to perth. after about 2 hours we arrived at this court place, we acted out the court case of this 15 year old guy that got hung for murder (was it really him o.0 ). After that we were supposed to go to a real murder trial, but they would'nt let us in, even though the group before us got to
after all that we ate lunch and then we went to the place we were staying, it was pretty nice. We rented some movies and at bout 11:30 pm the teachers made us go to bed
day 2: I went on a ferry to rottnest

, rotnes was fun but it was quite hot and we had to walk places, but atleast there was a beach. After a while we went back on the ferry, but it wasnt the same one and i liked the other one

, oh well, it was still nice.
we had tea at Mcdonalds and then we went back to where we were staying. We played truth dare double dare and people had to do some pretty stupid stuff (i wont mention what

). But we had to go to bed at 11:00

day 3 (today): Not much, we woke up and had to clean the whole place, and finish of the food that was left. After all that we went to lake herdsman? (cant remember what it was called) and we learnt about aboriginal culture. Then we went home and now im typing this
the end
this went way to long