Originally posted by CyGiG
really no way to overcome this?
No. Period.. Sorry to tell you but that is how it is... This can be seen as a good point, and for some people not a good point... I remembered the old days when Over sized dp's were first annouced, everyboyd(incl. me
) had huge 1048*768 pictures as dp's which really ruined everthing!!! It was just such a pain in the ass... Now with MSN 7 automatically resizing the dp's to 96 x 96 we don't have this problem anymore... and even better with stuffplug you can resize your contacts big dp's to a smaller size so they won't be so annoying!..
.. So all in all I think it's good, but yes it was fun and I also love big dp's...
Changed the 64 x 64 size to 96 x 96
Thanks Dempsey..