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Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
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Oooh what does this button do??!!

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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Originally posted by NoMeN
does this plugin work with MSN 7.0.0632?? just curious :p

btw... i just brought this up in photoshop... CD.. if you like it feel free to grab it ;)

[Image: panels0xo.gif]

Wow NoMeN those are alot better looking :D

Would be nice if you (CyBeRDuDe) could make the player skinnable but if you can get the toppest one of NoMeN's I would be very appreciated :D
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03-22-2005 06:52 PM
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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
yeah... hehehe it would be great. im not sure if i can help you out... i dont know anything about programing, just photoshop. :S
03-22-2005 06:56 PM
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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
This is really great, thanks v much
03-22-2005 08:36 PM
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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
i dont even know if its possible to make something like this:

[Image: winampmsn7zi.jpg]

just thought it would be cool!
the red button only appears when pressed... people who dont have winamp could download it from the link provided by the icon seen in the upper right corner. and that bar should display the current song using the ID3Tags.... :P

CD... do you know if its possible ot make such a thing?? just giving some suggestions ;) ;) ;)

03-22-2005 09:25 PM
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O.P. RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Bah!!! Some repsonse I need to make.. :(.. This is going to be a LOONG post.. :P...

Originally posted by Mike2
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
Lol!!!... Yeah, but if I put 1 more line of code in it.. I will hide the banner ad and put my player in front... this would theoratically be "replacing" the ad... Am I right? ...:P
Nope, because the ad is provided by 5 classes, not one(Internet Explorer_Server, Shell DocObject View, MSNMSBLGeneric, CtrlNotifySink are the class names)
So you will have to put 5 lines instead of one
And even after hiding these classes, the ad border is still there
Yes, the border will still be there.. But by just hiding 1 of those 5 classes the Banner will be hidden.... I don't need to hide them all... And I also need at least 1 of the classes to put my Controller in...

Originally posted by çr@nK
Do you want an installer for your final release?
i could make you one

Sounds cool, be sure to add WMP10 support and all of those other great and less great media players
Installer: Just wrote a post in the Thread about the Tabbed MSN, about this topic.... I would be more than happy if someone made a decent installer, but I have some criterias it needs to fullfill..... (Quote from the other thread)

Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)
About the installer:
Hmm.. You are welcome to make me a decent installer.. But it needs to fullfill some criterias..
- I need to be able to add my own files to it
- Extrating files
- Registrying files
- Add other various registry values
- Shutting Down MSN Messenger (Normally, and Taskkill if normal shutdown fails, altso support for closing Tabbed Conversation when closing normally to prevent loss of log if Taskkill needs to be executed)
- Starting MSN Messenger
- Uninstaller
- GUI, Interface, Pictures, texts, etc...
- A Homemade installer would be best, not some NSIS or Inno because they cannot do these tasks

If you can fullfill all these criteria then I would be more than happy to use a installer you make for me (and of course give you all the Credit you want).. .. I can do all this my self, I just don't have time on my hands.. 
If anybody else can do this for me, then you are more than welcome.. :D
Originally posted by The_MoD
Very nice plugin, nice usage of that stupid banner.
Bummer my windows skin messes up the buttons, but i'll live with it
Yeah, I even had a crazy idea last day, But I am to busy with lots of other stuff.. But thought about making a big plugin with lots of different usage for the banner add.. Like CPU Status, HDD space, Note taker, Clickable shortcuts (to launch a program etc, or do a MSN command like my shortcut plugin)... There are really many opputunites in this type of plugin..
The skin problem will be fixed later, will make my own custom comtrols which will then ot have this problem, and will also make them skinable.. :D..
Originally posted by NoMeN
does this plugin work with MSN 7.0.0632?? just curious

btw... i just brought this up in photoshop... CD.. if you like it feel free to grab it
[Image: panels0xo.gif]
I don't know if it does?.. I haven't tested it with that version yet.. But I expect it do..
Looks nice.. I might use that as standard skin or something, but will make t skinable later.. :D..
Originally posted by DJHasis

Would be nice if you (CyBeRDuDe) could make the player skinnable but if you can get the toppest one of NoMeN's I would be very appreciated
I will make it skinnable sometime.. And yes, I might use NoMeN's suggestion if no else comes with anything..
Originally posted by NoMeN
i dont even know if its possible to make something like this:

[Image: winampmsn7zi.jpg]

just thought it would be cool!
the red button only appears when pressed... people who dont have winamp could download it from the link provided by the icon seen in the upper right corner. and that bar should display the current song using the ID3Tags...

CD... do you know if its possible ot make such a thing?? just giving some suggestions

That is indeed possible.. Nice looks nomen.. :D.. I just need some time to make I own controls to have more control over the looks of the buttons, etc..
I am not sure wether I can get the songs from ID3 tag.. I'll have to take a look into this... But all your other suggestions is very well possible.. And I'll keep them in mind..

Final Note:
Thanks everybody for your support.. :D..
There will properly not be any updates on any of my plugins the next few days.. My computer just died.. :'(.. I will have to buy new MB, and will properly upgrade CPU, Memory, GFX on the same time.. :D.. I will try to watch these forums, but I can't promise I will be here much from Wednesday to sunday... Gotta be together with the lady... :P... So if you don't see/get any repsonse from me here then you know what I'm doing!!! :P :refuck:

Edit: ARGH!!! Lousy Emotions limit!!! Needs to remove 26 emotions from this post..
03-22-2005 10:36 PM
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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Cool!! im glad you liked it :D
03-23-2005 05:58 PM
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(previously known as Juzzi)

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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Hey guys, I've been busy with a thing like this as well, hope you don't mind cyber... I'm planning to implement several media players as well as other services. The way I'll work is by using the webbrowser object itself. (and yes, in c++ this time;))
Developer of BuddyFuse: Google Talk, Twitter and Hyves in Windows Live Messenger
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03-23-2005 09:49 PM
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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
was a super Idea this plug in, finally I can see some real use for that space, the plugin works perfect, thanks!
03-23-2005 10:26 PM
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O.P. RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Originally posted by bungleMX
was a super Idea this plug in, finally I can see some real use for that space, the plugin works perfect, thanks!
:D.. Yeah.. That lousy Ad space sucks!! :P.. I also have lots of other ideas that it can be used for... :D...

Originally posted by Juzzi
Hey guys, I've been busy with a thing like this as well, hope you don't mind cyber... I'm planning to implement several media players as well as other services. The way I'll work is by using the webbrowser object itself. (and yes, in c++ this time;))
Nice.. :D. And no I don't mind.. What do you mean with using the webbrowser object itself?... Are you going to do some kind of overwriting the Ad? so you can ad you own stuff? or are just going to "overlay"/SetParentApi(as I do) on it?... Will it be a litle less "buggy"?.. Will it be there all the time? Meaning that it doesn't "close" when you close msn messenger to tray?... The way I do it the Controler I put on is destroyed when you close msn messenger and therefore the Ad shows again when you open it up beacuse everything is repainted and everything gets a new Hwnd... So I use a timer to check if the contact list is shown again and then SetParentApi again... Is this the same method you will use? Or have you found a "real" way to "hijack" it?
03-24-2005 02:44 PM
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(previously known as Juzzi)

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RE: Media Controller On Ad Space Beta Released
Originally posted by (CyBeRDuDe)

Originally posted by Juzzi
Hey guys, I've been busy with a thing like this as well, hope you don't mind cyber... I'm planning to implement several media players as well as other services. The way I'll work is by using the webbrowser object itself. (and yes, in c++ this time;))
Nice.. :D. And no I don't mind.. What do you mean with using the webbrowser object itself?... Are you going to do some kind of overwriting the Ad? so you can ad you own stuff? or are just going to "overlay"/SetParentApi(as I do) on it?... Will it be a litle less "buggy"?.. Will it be there all the time? Meaning that it doesn't "close" when you close msn messenger to tray?... The way I do it the Controler I put on is destroyed when you close msn messenger and therefore the Ad shows again when you open it up beacuse everything is repainted and everything gets a new Hwnd... So I use a timer to check if the contact list is shown again and then SetParentApi again... Is this the same method you will use? Or have you found a "real" way to "hijack" it?
I don't use anything like SetParent, I use the original COM IHTMLWindow2 object :D. This means my code just makes the ad load another webpage. I think in this way a lot of 'nice ads' can be created. I can make a shoutbox for example, or latest news, about anything is possible to put there. Here's a screenshot of a little winamp controller:

[Image: attachment.php?pid=417100]

I can easily skin it, even by using existing winamp skins. Don't have anymore time for that today, because I'm going to a party tonight (H)

.jpg File Attachment: adcontrol.JPG (11.24 KB)
This file has been downloaded 714 time(s).

This post was edited on 03-24-2005 at 04:47 PM by Yousef.
Developer of BuddyFuse: Google Talk, Twitter and Hyves in Windows Live Messenger
Ex-Microsoft intern and Windows Live Developer MVP in 2007 & 2008
03-24-2005 04:46 PM
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