Yep, it's crap.
The first song continues for too long when the 2nd is already playing.
In depth-review: Till 00:25 it sounds great. Then it sucks really much for 2 secs, after which it is still bad until 01:03. Then it's nice again
at 01:25 it sounds crap, but this stops soon. 01:36 till 2:00 is really nice.
At 2:02 the songs gets a *lot* louder all of a sudden, and then It's bad quality for a few secs. (This is with
beep media player, Gtk+ fork of XMMS). I also think that the part where the voice of song 2 is really soft should be altered a bit - less of the voice (or none at all).
I think it's good for a first try. Keep on trying!!
Good luck. (Oh, and can you post it in .ogg format next time? I'd prefer that).