Originally posted by d-shade
Im sure some of you might know what im requesting.
I found out about it while using trillian but i guess they have it for miranda or gaim..
but what this plugin does is save messages to users that are offline and sends them as soon as they sign on..
only draw back is that you need to be online in order for the messages to send.
i search the forums but didn't find it.. so wondering if there is a plugin like this or if there is something similar.
Yeah you do need to be online. However, there is a bot which can be found on the mirrors section of thie site
You just add one of the bots to your contact list. When you start a converstaion with you it will give you instructions on how to use it.
With it, you can give it messages which it will save untill the user comes online, so you can be offline when it is sent.