Hey Patchou,
first I'd like to thank you for your god-made job! Your add-on really rocks and is really useful.
But I still got 2 little(very little, well, I think) suggestions.
I'll start with the one about the Personalised Status:
In the preferences, you got the option to shorten the nickname to a number of characters when the PS is activated. But you know, I never use the same PS tag... So sometimes I need to shorten more or less my nickname. I think it would be cool to have an "Auto Adjust" option so that it shorten the nick to the perfect number of characters so that the PS tag can be handled and so the nick isn't too shortened that needed. I think the calculation would looks like that:
(Nb of max characters allowed) - (Nb of PS tag characters) = (Nb of characters allowed for nickname so it fits correctly)
Then, my second suggestion is about Chat logging. I like more yours than the MSN default one but I'd like one thing: to have the option to choose how many characters you want in each line before the word wrap acts. I mean, without the word wrap, lines are definitively sometimes too long, so it's annoying. But with it, I find them too short
. If it would be possible to choose the amount of characters before word wrap, I think my head will simply explode and I'll love even more your chat logging
Thank you in advance for taking time to read my suggestions,