Me 2 the resque!
Put this in the <head> section:
<script language=JavaScript>
function expand(thistag) {
styleObj = document.getElementById(thistag).style;
if (styleObj.display=='none') {styleObj.display = '';} /when it's already invisible, make it visible again
else {styleObj.display = 'none';} /else, make it invisible
Now, place ur hided things in a <div>, like this:
<div id="hide01" name="hide01" visibility="hidden"> ... </div>
The text which needs 2 show/hide it, should have 2 look like this:
<a href="javascript:expand('hide01')">Show/hide thing</a>
And 2 make the <div> disappears when the page loads, add this to the <body> tag:
<body onload="expand('hide01')">
And ur done! U can make more hided div's, just call them hide02 or something, make a link and
add it back to the <body> onload!
Otherwise, it will appear when the page shows up.
Example (my site)
On that page, there's also a [+] to [-] change when click. Check the script, and may the source be with you!