O.P. Bold Tooltip???
Not error, but annoyance.
The tooltip in the some applications become bold after enabling WindowFont in Messenger Plus! Tweak 1.2.32 I don't like the bold font very much. Note: The font in the tooltip is Window's original font, except bold. Also note: WindowFont ONLY controls the Messenger Plus! windows.
Current messenger: MSN Messenger Version 7.0 Build 7.0.0816
Messenger Plus! verson: 3.54.132 May 23rd 2005
Windows version: Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519: Service Pack 2
I install a lot of software and revert my computer back with System Restore a lot of time but that has nothing to do with this.
P. S. I fiddled with CtcListFont and it didn't look good, so I revert the option to default.
Yukai like Messenger Plus! except for its bugs!