Originally posted by rav0
Correct. It just changes the icons that are already in Windows but have not been authored using the guidelines for Windows XP icons with ones that have. You won't see a performance change.
Oh, is that what StyleXP does too because I use Windowblinds and it uses up RAM. In the screenshot I saw the icon in the system tray. Does that mean it needs to start-up when you boot?
So it replaces the original images and when you uninstall it, it restores the old ones? I can imagine it having problems and deleting the original ones.
Can you apply it to one user account?
In the first screenshot, it makes the writing blury
It looks like when you are installing it, you can tick if you want to patch UXTheme.dll, so if you didn't patch it, you could still use StyleXP.
Edit: Are 'UXTheme patch' and 'StyleXP' two different things? Can someone pm me the answer?