Originally posted by Pr0xY
Originally posted by MenthiX
Uhmm... it's a spam bot. You'll get one (or more) of the things below when you mail them:
no, I got one of those damn emails once, and I played along for about 2 days. We sent emails back and worth, then I reported him to the FBI, and Now hsi email no longer exists.
lol, well... in extremely many cases, it is simply a spoofed address or a spam-bot itself and thus you indeed confirm that the mail address they've got is active and you will recieve more spam[*]! What you experienced is rather a rare case (and a stupid mail spammer in that case
So to add to
Matty's Menthix' list (in order what is most likely):
You'll get one (or more) of the things below when you mail them (this also goes for spam mail, virus mail, spoof mail, etc):
- The bot picks up your address and puts it in more of his spam lists!!!![*]
- The address is spoofed
- Nothing, your mail just gets ignored.
- You actually mail an existing person, but this person doesn't have anything to do with the spam. The address was put there by the spam/virus bot.
- The mail is an existing person, but you'll get tricked into giving them money/creditcardnumber/something else you don't want them to have
[*] You even often don't have to reply to the mail. Simply loading it is sometimes enough as many times images are used in the mail which are loaded from a specificall address especially linked to the mail they were send to. So all the spammer needs to do is look at his server logs for the loading of those images
EDIT: Menthix, I ment Menthix
.... Oh my god... major oopsy... I didn't know where my thoughts are, let alone why....