Thread re-opened after deleting some spammy posts...
I don't understand why some of you seem to be opposed to upgrading.
I'm 100% positive that I want this board to be upgraded. There are a number of very good reasons, and here's a quick list I came up with...
- The Admin CP in RC2 sucks. It's very buggy and I have never really trusted it. Fixing it up is something I could never motivate myself to do, since only 4 people ever use it.
- Security. No more reliance on global variables! More secure login cookies.
- Lots of bug fixes, new features, general improvements, optimizations, etc. Probably a better user experience overall, for everyone.
- New data caching system to ease the load on MySQL.
- Better XHTML compliance, better theme system.
- Improved attachment handling, and file-based attachment storage! We have a lot of attachments here, too many to store in the database, IMO.
- Thread read/unread status stored in the database instead of cookies. Cookies are too limited and unreliable.
- New usergroup system, allowing a user to be in multiple usergroups, which should make it a lot easier to set up permissions for private Beta Tester forums and stuff.
- Upgrading from MyBB RC2 to 1.2 would be kinda like upgrading from Windows 98 to XP.
I could definitely go on, but that's enough typing for now.
As for "my mods"... many of them are already in MyBB 1.0 and they will not need to be re-added. The other "essential mods" that I can think of are...
- Reputation system (my custom one)
- Quick Quote
- Latest Posts page (MyBB kinda has one, but it's not as good as mine)
- Moderator CP (allow moderators to ban users and remove avatars/signatures)
- [countdown] and [noparse] bbcodes?
All of those can be re-added and I intend to do so either before upgrading, or soon after.
Also, I intend to complete my code audit, to ensure that the board is as bug-free and secure as I can make it.