I am trying to uninstal Messenger Plus 3 and I have looked in the FAQ but it doesn't answer my problem
When i try to uninstal Messenger Plus 3 in from the add or remove program list it will not let me
I can see that msn plsu 3 still exsist so when i click to uninstal it, it pops up a box asking to uninstal or cancel and 2 boxes for me to check off on deleting user's preference and additional add ons so i check them both. after I click uninstal it refreshes the list but msn plsu 3 is still in the list and nothing has really changed.
I have not touched any of the whiles in my C:/ program files, Messenger Plus 3 folder
Because of this every time I start windows I get an error saying Messenger Plus will only work with 4.6 or higher versions of msn ( not exact quote ) and it is geting extremely annoying \
is it because that I have instaled the latest version of official msn messenger?