Okay.. so here is what I need..
I need a question, related to instant messaging, for a persuasive essay.
It has to be large enough so I can debate it with 4000 words.. To be quite honest I have the feeling I'm kind of screwed.. but yeah.. I said I'd make a try here.. And if you guys had like 3 specific arguments that could go with your question, don't be shy to post it.
Thanks a lot, really appreciate it..
**** EDIT : I think I got my question!!!
Thanks to adj for discussing the whole thing with me
here it is :
"Does Instant Messaging Have A Positive Or Negative Impact On Student Teenagers?"
One problem is the fact that I am not able to find a third aspect which I could debate
I have gotten these two aspects.. :
-Educational Program
-Social Life
But what could be the third..? help plz!
********** EDIT 2 :
Okay, I found the third aspect, thx to everyone who helped. I am now wondering if anyone knows of any studies done on effects of IM on school grades or social life.
Thanks a lot!!!