Originally posted by [MR]
cmd promt doesnt recognize the command...like it doesnt know what "C:\windows\service pack files" is (i typed all of %windir%\Service Pack Files\i386\appwiz.cpl %windir$\system32 in command prompt)
When you get that error the logic step would be to verify that the location is correct for your case. Use Windows Explorer or whatever to see what the exact location is....
Also, if you do have spaces in the name of the directory (and/or file) always use quotes...
copy c:\blah blah\hello there.txt c:\file.txt
will never work because spaces are delimiters for parameters. There is no way that windows can know if you meant copy:
"c:\blah blah\hello there.txt" to "c:\file.txt"
or copy
"c:\blah blah\hello" to "there.txt"
In fact, even if you don't have spaces it is always wise to use quotes in +Win32... So, use
copy "c:\blah blah\hello there.txt" c:\file.ext