Originally posted by Scone
Well that sounds like a decent idea then.. I dont see if happening on a wide scale though.
Yeah, its something which will take a long while....
Originally posted by Scone
I mean you could issue them with every new PC,
No, they are issued per person. Probably by your local town hall or something.
Originally posted by Scone
Parents would want to be able to control the content of thier children (e.g: some parents might not mind their children viewing sites related to violence while others will)
That's only one possebility of the card. And those parent who don't mind, simply wouldn't install the "restrict access module" or whatever it is going to be.
The other main use of the card is to identify yourself (eg: as being minor or not) to some sites, so you would know for sure (as a minor) that you're talking to a minor.
Then there are a lot of other (smaller) uses to, think for example about signing documents or emails with your digital ID card so the recievers know it was you who wrote the document and it wasn't fake.
E-banking, E-goverment, etc... where you can use your ID card to sign in to. No need for those digital smartpasses, badges or whatever, etc.
Logging in to company networks, or even accessing building. No need for other passes any more, etc... only your electronical ID and your secret pin.
Originally posted by Scone
Can you link me to a source for this idea.. so i can read more about it?
Not directly as I have my info mostly from what I read in articles in magazines, newspapers, reviews and that sort of stuff... I need to google for an online source myself. I don't know the fine details of it either though.
Though I know Microsoft has done some experiments with such id's in Belgium (and maybe Holland).
Also note that this digital Internet ID is currently already being integrated in the new ID card's in some countries (like Belgium) whenever you need to renew your ID card. So this digital internet ID is actually integrated in your personal ID card (compare it to the driving license in the States). As soon as enough people have it, companies will start making software so it can be used.
The electronical version of an Belgian ID card
For children (as the ID is only for 18+ of course), a special minor-version will be made ... at least that's the plan... if enough people start using it that is...