Episode 20 was a real shocker all right, I sat staring blank at the screen for ages, when I looked back again WinAmp had looped round to 5 minutes in again.
I can see what people are getting at with Michael freeing Henry to save Walt, but my theory is that the "Others" are taking people from the camps who they deem to be "worthy". Note what Henry said about Locke - he seems pretty camp and doesn't go about doing anything really bad.
They took all the children from both camps, because they are pretty much unable to tell right from wrong. Ana-Lucia got left behind because she was well... Ana-Lucia. Eko is troubled. Libbi is hiding something too... but she's probably dead now, so oh well.
Me mam used to think that everyone on the island was dead, and the people that got taken away were going to Heaven, etc. It has a name and I think it begins with P but I've forgotten it.
I'd join these forums, but I don't want it spoiled by someone working out the real answer
PS. Hurley is probably my fave char now Shannon is dead (she was *hot*) because he's just so cool. And funny. "Dude, nice hole."