I appreciate everyone's explanation, but before I started this topic I googled a bit (ok a lot) and found a couple of Winsock ActiveXObjects ("OSWINSCK.Winsock" and "MSWinsock.Winsock") which I have tried and didn't work, so "MSWinsock.Winsock" didn't work for me either
After debugging my script, I found an interesting thing:
» when I use ActiveXObject "MSWinsock.Winsock" or "MSWinsock.Winsock.1", I get in the debugger
Error: unknown.
Line: 128. Code: -2147221230.
» when I use ActiveXObject "MSWinsock.Winsock.x", I get error
Error: The Automation server can't create the object.
Line: 128. Code: -2146827859.
So, I *should* be able to use that but my PC can't create it ?
PS: The debugger text was translated back to english as close as I can get, because it was in Portuguese, so it might not be as accurate as the proper english text.
PS2: How can I find out for sure what ActiveXObjects I have installed in my system ? Or a way to find out which Objects I have, because I'm starting to think that something went wrong when I installed XP and the winsock object didn't got installed :X