I think that
Smartdots is the best free domain service on the internet. It only redirects to an other site, no hosting. But you can get many extra features
Here's something that you'll get with Smartdots:
[*]Domain (your-domain.net.tc, don't need to be .net.)
[*]Email service (self-registration or non-registration)
[*]Username and password protection
[*]Webmail and SMS service (not right good yet

[*]Favicon (an icon to the left of the web adress)
[*]More than ne type of ads (you may choose "none"

[*]Easy switch between two domains registred on one e-mail
[*]Unlimited number of domains per e-mail adress.
For the full list, visit Smartdots (
Bravehost is a (not so good) web hosting service. It got FTP, but not PHP and MySQL

. If you need MySQL and PHP (and FTP and HTML), you should try
My-PHP (not so good either, but better than Bravehost)