There is no need for "fix" because you misunderstand the mechanism of OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage; the event is triggered when
you send a message too.
What the script documentation says in OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage:
The OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage event is fired when a new message is received in a chat window. The event is generated for any message added to the history control which includes the messages sent by the current user. It can be used to modify the message before it is displayed to the user.
So I think you should modify this line:
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Aantal verzonden berichten in deze sessie: " + Verzonden + " Aantal ontvangen berichten: " + Ontvangen
Messenger.MyPersonalMessage = "Aantal verzonden berichten in deze sessie: " + Verzonden + " Aantal ontvangen berichten: " + (Ontvangen - Verzonden)
Hope this helps
Edit: er, ezra beats me to it