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The open/closed window notifier feature
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O.P. RE: RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by Jiggs
OK, then lets say you know it doesn't work, its ur aeroplane, ur poor, and its all u can afford and u pull up every time, cos the one time u didn't u crashed and lost all ur limbs?

no need to take things so literally!!!! I'm only saying how having it is better than nothing for at least some users here. so let people do what they want. no one is forcing anyone to use it.
please!!!!!!! can we all stop arguing about how it does and doesn't work and just let the topic be about making it, or let it die.

Agreed, some people here are taking this whole thing just a bit too seriously. Lighten up, it's not like we're talking about making a commercial product ffs!
06-27-2006 03:02 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
man just end it all if they make it they make it - if they dont - just use MessengerDiscoveryLive so they can stop getin pissed that ppl are askin for this
[Image: Untitled333.jpg]
06-27-2006 03:06 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by DeLaVega
Why not just change the text from "Users has opened a conversation" to "Connection established with User"
And the "User has closed your window" to "Connection lost with user"
that would indeed be a very good start to begin with because in that way people at least can read (as far people read these days) that it isn't  a "open/close window" thing.

Originally posted by Jiggs
I'm only saying how having it is better than nothing for at least some users here. so let people do what they want. no one is forcing anyone to use it.
very true, but you aren't the people who can clean up the mess afterwards if they do 'crash' or the people who they start complaining to when it doesn't work.

Originally posted by djnerve
I already started making it if you looked. no fcuk off and leave us to play. if u think u have the brains use them sumwere else
what you started has actually absolutely nothing todo with what you actually want... I suggest you start by reading the scripting documentation to know what those event really are which you used

Originally posted by bigb88
lol - everyone makin a big deal outta this - should of just closed da thread - MLP has this new chat thing - for when someone clicks ya name and starts typin use that lol just will not know when they close da convo - like damn ppl fightin over a ? - pretty damn sad

[Image: 15xlphz.jpg]

wrong.... Before you call people sad and stuff, why don't you actually test that event out? Or even simply search the forums about it?

It is exactly posts/comments like this which are the culprint of so much misconceptions about "notifiers".

That event is only triggered when you have recieved the first message of a new chat. Hence: "started a new chat". It isn't called: "Opened a new window". Read what it states, not what you want it to be...

contact opens a new window with you => event not triggerd
contact starts typing in that new window => event still not triggered
contact presses enter and the message gets send => event not triggerd
message gots deliverd to your messenger => no event triggerd...
your messenger opens/shows a new window => yawn.... no event triggered...
your messenger prints out the message in the what window => aye caramba, it is triggerd!

in short: people quite often jump too quickly to conclussions and claim to know how things work... sorry... but BLAH

This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 03:30 PM by CookieRevised.
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06-27-2006 03:19 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
It did work most of the time in the versions before, but as I know, protocol is, again, changed with WLM, so maybe it restricts that even more.
[Image: anathema.gif][Image: hax0r.png]
06-27-2006 03:22 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by al2002
Agreed, some people here are taking this whole thing just a bit too seriously. Lighten up, it's not like we're talking about making a commercial product ffs!
ermmm.. what you forget to see is that such 'notifiers' were used by thousands of people, all thinking they could see if a contact started to chat with them. If you suddenly claim they do work, you will soon notice that thousands will start to download the tool (and many will think they are accurate). In that sense it IS like a commercial product.

Hence why I am so serious about such things and why I try to think about the consequences. (maybe too serious, but that's me).

It is not because we are discussing this here with a handfull of people that nobody else is reading these threads or nobody else knows about the existance of such notifiers... Look on other forums and look in old threads back from the time when it was first announced that they didn't work anymore. I bet you would be surprised how serious this actually is. In fact, discussions like these have been held back then on almost all messenger related forums...


This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 03:36 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-27-2006 03:28 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Start in the StuffPlug forums. It was going crazy at one point. I got PMs from people stating they knew how to fix it.

It slowed down, now it is back.
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Scripts I want to get made:
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06-27-2006 03:31 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
oh god. fine. everyone. STOP. don't make or even think about it. CookieRevised says so.
Or, make it in secret and only share it with friends after stating very clearly how crap it is.

i cant stand this. its beyond ridiculous. CookieRevised, please just let them do their thing. Disassociate yourself with it, or be helpful. Don't constantly take peoples posts apart and post the same things uve said 100 times. THEY KNOW IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE IT USED TO. and if its made, I'm sure people will be told it only works partially. its not the end of the world
06-27-2006 03:35 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by al2002
Agreed, some people here are taking this whole thing just a bit too seriously. Lighten up, it's not like we're talking about making a commercial product ffs!
ermmm.. what you forget to see is that such 'notifiers' were used by thousands of people, all thinking they could see if a contact started to chat with them. If you suddenly claim they do work, you will soon notice that thousands will start to download the tool. In that sense it IS like a commercial product.

It is not because we are discussing this here with a handfull of people that nobody else is reading these threads or nobody else knows about the existance of such notifiers... Look on other forums and look in old threads back from the time when it was first announced that they didn't work anymore. I bet you would be surprised how serious this actually is. In fact, discussions like these have been held back then on almost all messenger related forums...

Why are you so concerned anyway? You've made your point. Do you own this forum? I'm not exactly new here, but I haven't used it in a while. When I used to come here, I generally found people helpful and friendly, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one annoyed by your arrogant attitude towards other posters.

This post was edited on 06-27-2006 at 03:42 PM by al2002.
06-27-2006 03:40 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Originally posted by Jiggs
I'm sure people will be told it only works partially. its not the end of the world
As it has been prooven so many times in the past, no, people will not be told it doesn't work... unfortunatly! I whish they were... we wouldn't have had this discussion then (or in the past).... Everybody who reads this thread indeed knows it by now, but then there are thousands who did not read this thread or will not even know the existence of this thread and only saw some "open/close windows notifier" being hosted on some random site. And then they come here complaining it doesn't work or whatever. btw, this isn't also something I "believe" will happen, this is something which already has happend too many times in the past (aka experience)....

Originally posted by Jiggs
Disassociate yourself with it, or be helpful.
Sorry, can't disassociate with it as it is posted on these forums where I and others try to give support to people who constantly fall for these not working features :( Give support year after year and when you finally think people will finally get it after so many times repeating stuff (which can easly be looked up in the first place) and it would be the end of it, a random guy comes in and wants to start this stuff all over again and you'll know why I am so "concearned".

People who know me, know that I'm very concearned about giving accurate information, not some vague stuff which is wide open to misconceptions and what not. Hence why I always make such huge posts :p and why I always will reply to such vague or not totally correct posts (afterall, this is a support forum which many people come to or read to get accurate information).

The difference here now, is that I risk my neck by constantly hammering on this and explaining this, while all the other very long time regulars (who also experienced those troubles and exactly the same discussions with this whole notifier (and block checker) bussiness) are so fed up with this they don't bother replying anymore. Aka: it is not only me who thinks like this about this whole issue.

Originally posted by al2002
Why are you so concerned anyway?
I explained this many times too (and again above in this reply)...

Originally posted by al2002
When I used to come here, I generally found people helpful and friendly, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one annoyed by your arrogant attitude towards other posters.
1) please do not generalize/judge a whole forum by only 1 person

2) please do not generalize/judge 1 person by only 1 thread

funny actually how some people will suddenly all turn around and judge someone when there is 1 big discussion going around (and even a discussion where no real flames are done or whatever, just a -granted, heavy- discussion.... Is a forum not a place to discuss things??? But again I must say that this is nothing new actually, I've seen this happen towards other people many times in the past also. Because someone feels strongly about something, they are judged because they dare to express their opinion or strong believes... Look what has happened to Jiggs (his reputation I mean), and hopefully also see that I didn't agreed with that because I will never ever judge someone by only one healthy, but strong, discussion, even if it goes against what I say/believe/my opinion/etc.

It's like some people can't understand that discussing something inside 1 thread could mean that the person simply feels strongly about something, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, even if it goes on and on...

Please, read my other thousands of posts, then, by all means judge me...


And with all this ranting, everybody has seem to forget what my first post to this thread actually was. I just said they didn't work and it would be rather useless in persuing this idea further (even more so in creating a script out of this, but blah) as it has been prooven in the past it doesn't work. If people wouldn't have replied on that so strongly by saying it is rubbish (so to speak) but simply replied with something like "Oh, yeah, true, but I want this to experiment with" or whatever, we would never had this whole discussing in the first place... same goes for all those other replies and the replies from me (like this one) to that. Of course I'm going to reply to them, what would you expect/do?

But actually what I said is nothing new at all, nor anything personal to the thread creator or others(!), nor anything directed to new people(!) as some also accuse me of this!!!; if it was a regular I would post everything exactly the same and my POV would exactly be the same; well... maybe not... maybe it would even be more "harsh",  as regulars are supposed to know this or at least supposed to know how to search for more info about this.

But of course, because some people don't want to hear about that I'm suddenly the black sheep because I dared to say their ideas wouldn't work (and thus this whole discussion started)??? Support works in both ways.... people asking questions and helpers trying to solve them as best as they can... but people also sometimes forget to accept stuff when the given help isn't what they expected it to be or when it goes against their ideas.

Originally posted by lysp
Perhaps if we call it a "connection" notifier and not an "open/close" notifier then it will 100% work and be true to the definition.

If we define it as that then it will work and work as its name suggests.

Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by DeLaVega
Why not just change the text from "Users has opened a conversation" to "Connection established with User"
And the "User has closed your window" to "Connection lost with user"
that would indeed be a very good start to begin with because in that way people at least can read (as far people read these days) that it isn't  a "open/close window" thing.

This post was edited on 06-28-2006 at 12:04 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-27-2006 10:47 PM
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RE: The open/closed window notifier feature
Perhaps if we call it a "connection" notifier and not an "open/close" notifier then it will 100% work and be true to the definition.

If we define it as that then it will work and work as its name suggests.
06-27-2006 11:57 PM
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