It's a simplified script, lol...
It would be useful for ignoring messages, like the /xignore feature in Stuffplug does... But if i return ""; it shows the "Mr. Bougo says:" instead of nothing...
The test script i made was:
OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage(ChatWnd,Origin,MessageMessageKind) {
Debug.Trace("Message received from " + Origin + ": " + Message)
return "";
(it was only a test script, heh)
And it showed me the "Mr. Bougo says:", and i think it would be better if it showed nothing... Maybe in next release of MP!L
EDIT: Upseuf, lets try this...
No, it doesnt work...
I tried null too, and i tried to var temp = new String(); and return temp; and it didnt work, all those tests returns Message like if the script was disabled, but it isnt, and it doesnt bug... Only the return ""; works and it displays "Mr. Bougo says:"
EDIT2: Mathieumg, if MP!L can remove a line in the textbox, i think it can remove the line above too, so maybe Patchou will modify the return function for the ReceiveMessage event
EDIT3 (lol that post is getting long): If it can't, I'll wait for Stuffplug 3 release and use ChatWnd.SendMessage("/xignore"); heh, no problem