Window Live Messenger doesn't know all the AVs, as far as WLM is concearned anything put there is an AV.
So, this means we can trick WLM into believing it has executed an AV.
Make a dummy batch file and put
@echo off as its first and only line. Safe that in a map somewhere (eg: the messenger main map) and link to this batch file in the filepathbox in WLM....
Of course you can put whatever you want, eg: if you put a VBScript or JScript there it will also be executed, etc...
Attached is a zip which contains 2 batch files:
"DummyAV1.BAT" does absolutely nothing
"DummyAV2.BAT" shows a small 'warning'
PS: and
here you'll find an exe which does absolutely nothing. Can be used too of course (and no cmd window will show up either)
Note: people could actually use this trick to detect the filename of recieved files in their scripts etc...