As Requested in here:
i've created a Countdown script that places it in your Personal message
the Personal message is customizable, and so is how often it updates
5 basic commands do tha same thing the menu buttons do:
!cdEnable = Enables the counter and saves the current PSM
!cdDisable = Disables the counter and restores the orginal PSM
!cdConfig = Opens the configuration panel, which is pretty simple
!cdPrint = Send your psm in the conversation, but only when the counter is active
!cdUpdate = updates the counter manualy
Warning: the lower the refreash rate, the more flooded your Chat logs will be, i recommend using a value of 5 minutes or more
****Version 3.0.25****
-fixed a bug with the final message feature
****Version 3.0.17****
-Fixed one minor bug with the preview button
****Version 3.0.16****
New Major Release, including half a dozen new features/options, code updates, and minor bug fixes
-Minor bug fixes
-Little cleaner code
-New Feature - Preview window: to preview what changes will look like in your Personal message/NickName
-New Feature - InConversation Tag: which allows you to use (!cd mm/dd/yyy
hh:mm:ss) in the middle of any sentence to display a counter
-New Option: do not refreash when there are no contacts online, this saves some flodding in your logs
-New Option: the option of weather or not to disable the timer when all values are zero
-New Feature: added %D value (note: must be capitalized or it will mean the days value), thisallows you to enter a word that means "ago" or "since" for a count up timer
-New Option: the option of weather or not to remove the counter when disabled
***Version 2.9.0***
-added functions to calculate years months and weeks
-reorganized the config panel
***Version 2.8.0***
-Fixed a known issue involving the counter adding 30 days too meny(only happening near the end of each month
***Version 2.7.0***
-added ability to put the counter in the nickname, psm or both
***Version 2.6.0***
-fixed a bug in the move zeros function
***Version 2.5.0***
-fixed a bug in the disabling of the timer
***Version 2.4.0***
-Auto Update Checker add, thanks to -dt-'s help
***Version 2.3***
-Added option to have 0 values removed
***Version 2.2***
-Plural system revampt, to allow for any language, altho you can not use } or / inside the tags
-Setting are now PER E-MAIL ADDRESS, so multiple users can use the script
***Version 2.1***
-fixed bug in disabling counter
-addd display toasts for enabling, disabling, and at the countdowns end
***Version 2.0****
New features:
Count Up - you can also count upwards in addition to downwards, the setting is located in the config window
Final Message - apon reaching zero, in count down mode, the script will disable the counter, and put your own message in your PSM, again, the message is settable in the config window
Reset Personal Message - located in the menus, if selected, it will reset the psm to the original message
Also a few minor bugs fixed
***Known Issues***
- near the end of the month, the counter may add or subtract 30 days, from the actual time remaining, the bug appers in both up and down directions, and as far as i can see, can't be traced. it only happens for a day or two then returns to normal, if anybody knows a fix for this please tell me right away Fixed