I have suspected a memory leak that might have been caused by the creation
of event toasts and each time it pops up, I observed through the Windows Task
Manager that the memory consumption just keeps going up. As soon as the
memory usage hits around 100MB or so, it gets paged away resulting a huge chunk
of virtual memory used. Seems like these memory leaks are garbaged collected
or something. I assume Messenger Plus! Live and Windows Live Messenger itself
are not managed code entities. But hell, the memory leakage is driving my
laptop and desktop nuts.
I have links to two screen captures, one of which is my event notification
settings I placed on Messenger Plus! Live and the other show the memory usage
so far.
Screen Capture 01
Screen Capture 02
[System Specification]
CPU - AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200+, 2.01 GHz, L1: 64KB L2: 512KB
OS - Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP2)
Windows Live Messenger v8.00.0792 (Applied mess patch)
Messenger Plus! Live v4.0.0.235