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The open/closed window notifier feature
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
That script is a JOKE - read the thread title, and i've already done it anyway, actually - it uses some of the code from that - like, the POPUP that shows so you can click on it - so yeah.
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07-19-2006 03:37 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
Originally posted by nx01rules
Dont worry, ill include a warning when it's used, and it WILL be visible :)
Maybe so, but you are saying that your script does something, when it does something else. You say it's a window open/close notifier, when it is a session start/end notifier. Those are two different things alltogether and people will misinterpret it and there will be serious problems with this again (more so than now) where there will need to be over 50 posts explaining that this will never work as an open/closed window notifier and that is just not possible. If you name it properly, people will then not misenterpret what the script does, and there will be no confusion.
Originally posted by nx01rules
That script is a JOKE - read the thread title, and i've already done it anyway, actually - it uses some of the code from that - like, the POPUP that shows so you can click on it - so yeah.
He's not stupid. He knows that. He's just trying to prove how reliable this will be as a window open/closed notifier. If it's then renamed to Session start/end notifier, then it will be reliable as that is exactly what it is.

This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 03:39 PM by Lou.
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07-19-2006 03:38 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
Originally posted by nx01rules
That script is a JOKE
Indeed, but the end results will differ little from the outcome of your script.
07-19-2006 03:39 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
@GiantSpider: No offence, but hes obviously put alot of work into this. His aim was to create a WORKING (e.g. NOT a joke) Session notifier. I wouldn't consider it a waste of time, no matter how innacurate it is as a Window opened\closed notification.

@nx01: I suggest either changing the title or having the fact it isn't accurate as a window opened notification right at the beginning of the post.


This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 03:45 PM by cloudhunter.
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07-19-2006 03:41 PM
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RE: RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
Originally posted by cloudhunter
Edit: @Cookie: The title is fine as for the purpose it is intended
No it is not... As a windows notifier IT DOES NOT WORK...

Secondly, why on earth would you wanna call it like that if you actually KNOW it isn't that.

Also, if you DO call it with its proper name people will STILL reconize it, but at least they are a bit better informed about the subject and to what it is.

Third, yes it is his script, but the issue is much wider and bigger than this, if you can't understand or see that than I suggest you lookup the year old threads which exist on several forums and independat forums regarding this subject. Finaly after all those explanations during the last years after MS changed how the protocol worked, we (and I mean all the helpers on every forum who take pride in informing the user accuratly) thought people would finaly realise how such things work (or not work)... Then comes along some dude who will mess everything up and the whole shit starts again... This isn't about "his script which does something uniquely never thought of before", this is about a years old subject/issue which goes far beyond a script from an anonymous dude.

Originally posted by cloudhunter
@GiantSpider: No offence, but hes obviously put alot of work into this. His aim was to create a WORKING (e.g. NOT a joke) Session notifier. I wouldn't consider it a waste of time, no matter how innacurate it is as a Window opened\closed notification.
Then he should also call it by the stuff it actually does. I don't know any programmer who takes pride in his work and who has put a lot of work in it, and then call its progam after something which it isn't...


PS: I also reported this thread to be merged to the already existing thread for two reasons:

1) The subject is exactly the same and there is nothing new being said here than what has been said before already (This isn't a released script thread either).

2) If the script is finished I bet on the grave of my grandfather that yet another thread would have been created. We don't need 3, 4 or more threads about the same stuff, especially not about this subject (stuff is already repeated too many times).

This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 03:52 PM by CookieRevised.
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07-19-2006 03:44 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
Yeah point taken cloud, but - they are saying that it IS innacurate - i know personally that it is, but I personally dont care - it works most of the time, and - its not as if im going to jump up and down or get into a fight with someone beacuse it said they did open a window when in fact they didnt.. Seriously.. Someone who fights with their friend over this matter mustn't have many brain cells if thats the case :P

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 05:33 AM by nx01rules.
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07-19-2006 03:46 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier
Originally posted by CookieRevised
No it is not... As a windows notifier IT DOES NOT WORK...

Secondly, why on earth would you wanna call it like that if you actually KNOW it isn't that.

Also, if you DO call it with its proper name people will STILL reconize it, but at least they are a bit better informed about the subject and to what it is.

Third, yes it is his script, but the issue is much wider and bigger than this, if you can't understand or see that than quite frankly you should open your eyes a bit and spend some more time on forums and helping in the messenger community.

@Cookie: I am well aware of the issues involved here. And whenever I do feel like I can help, I do. I've been a long time "lurker" ;)

As for the merging, I think that is OK, as it could easily be discused within the topic of that thread. When it is a release, it deserves it's own thread.

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Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7017 days, 12 hours, 4 minutes, 29 seconds ago
07-19-2006 03:52 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier (SESSION open/closed notifier)
nxo1rules :) cant wait for this to be released, i think alot of people know that these things arent accurate.. and who really cares fi they are or not :S

and at cookie

everytime i see your posts in these sort of threads its all the same stuff im reading that u type. perhaps you should not read them :S and maybe u wont get upset over somthing so silly :S
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07-19-2006 03:52 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier (SESSION open/closed notifier)
Well on some degree I must agree with Cookie. The things he says do need to be said as it is a very important to be said, and this script will affect the community as a whole - either positively or negatively - depending on what it is described as.


This post was edited on 07-19-2006 at 03:58 PM by cloudhunter.
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Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7017 days, 12 hours, 4 minutes, 29 seconds ago
07-19-2006 03:56 PM
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RE: New Live! Window Open/Closed Notifier (SESSION open/closed notifier)
Well ive changed the thread title, it contains both now, because BOTH ARE included in the features of the plugin.
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07-19-2006 04:00 PM
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