ah ok, got it now. after messing around with it last night, these are the events that can be defined in a similar manner:
Command-- Occurs when the server processes a client-defined command.
ActivateInputState-- Occurs when a character becomes or ceases to be input-active.
VisibleState-- Occurs when the character's Visible state changes.
Click-- Occurs when a character is clicked.
DblClick-- Occurs when a character is double-clicked.
DragStart-- Occurs when a user starts dragging a character.
DragComplete-- Occurs when a user stops dragging a character.
RequestStart-- Occurs when the server begins processing a Request object.
Request-- Complete Occurs when the server completes processing a Request object.
Bookmark-- Occurs when the server processes a bookmark.
Idle-- Occurs when the server starts or ends idle processing.
Move-- Occurs when a character has been moved.
Size-- Occurs when a character has been resized.
BalloonVisibleState-- Occurs when the visibility state of a character's word balloon changes.
once i feel comfortable with it, i'll post a how to in the Tips thread