well now he doesnt know for future references
anyway, if you're using PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro you just have to make the background transparent, usually by using the "Background Eraser".
PhotoShop ->> i *think* you right click the eraser brush and there should be "back ground eraser", but im not totally sure
PaintShopPro ->> pretty much the same. (i havent played in PSP for awhile, so sorry if this is wrong) but theres sorta a drop down menu on each tool item and when you go to the Eraser tool's menu there should be "Background Eraser"
**tip: zoom in with a 1px brush to get everylast bit of the white**
sorry if thats totally wrong, but my point was to be, make the background transparent and save as a .gif, becuase i think with anything else it'll put the white background back...as ive learned from experience