Originally posted by MattyRid
Check your Live messenger settings (Tools -> Options)...the setting you are after is "Show me as "Away" after (number goes here) minutes". Sounds to me it is not ticked. So prehaps ticking it and setting a time in minutes in there will get that going.
Originally posted by clatterbucket
In options, I have my status to show me as away when inactive for 5 mins.
Before anyone can give you proper support we need to know which version of Messenger you're using.
MattyRid assumes you use Windows Messenger Live with Messenger Plus! Live, but you could well be using MSN Messenger 7.5 with Plus!3. And in the latter case, the support which should be given to you would be different.
* If you use Windows Live Messenger with Messenger Plus! Live:
Then your request for help has got nothing todo with Messenger Plus! Live and is in the wrong subforum. This is because Messenger Plus! Live doesn't have an option to set your status to away after x minutes. This is an option in Windows Live Messenger, not in Plus!.
* If you use MSN Messenger with Messenger Plus! 3:
Than it might be possible that the 'set to away after' option in MSN Messenger conflicts with the option in Messenger Plus!. Check both options and only use 1 of the two.
eg: also see "
CookieRevised's reply to Changing personalised status automatically."...
* For both cases (MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger), make sure you are not running any programs which keep your computer from going to idle. Check background processes to make sure of this. And if there are any, close them down.
Also, try to change the option again, press 'OK', close the preferences, close Messenger... then restart Messenger, change the option again, press 'OK'...
(reason for this is that sometimes settings aren't saved properly in Messenger (bug?))