idea is very nice, but...
Originally posted by ValSpy
Hmm this seems like a great idea but I am sure many people still won't use this since they don't like to read things (just like when people post in the wrong forums) 
just as most helpers don't actually even ask what version is being used (see all threads where people simply assume the posters are using the latest (Live) version)... That's the biggest problem to begin with IMHO.
Originally posted by Chris4
Make it so you have to choose an option. Makes sense.
Actually it doesn't. In some cases the version does matter and the questions are general.
Also, and this is my personal opinion, you can often give better and detailed support if you provide an answer where all the versions are described/handled.
In that way, people seeking help don't need to seek for version specific threads. It also will minimize the duplication of threads (threads about the exact same stuff, but with different Messenger versions) or minimize the extra posts to ask "will this work in version x too".
IMHO, it comes down to how support is given or what is being asked before giving support.
Originally posted by MenthiX
I think it's good as it is now. Forcing people to choose it from a dropdown or similar generally doesn't work well. People tend to be to lazy to actually check it and will just blindly say they use the latest version. However, when a human being asks them they will get the feeling that replying with the proper versionnumbers will actually help them solve the problem.
Originally posted by Nitro
That would really improve the quality of the help here, and make is easier to help the ones that need help.
Tbh, that wouldn't improve the quality of support. If anything, it would fractionize support posts even more (refering to duplicated and repetative threads and posts).
The quality of support does not depend on a mandatory form to be filled in, it _could_ make it easier (on the other hand, it could just as well make it harder, as people tend to not check stuff as Menthix said), but the quality of support mostly depends on those who give it and their lazyness -or not- in asking questions before giving detailed support, instead of assuming things and giving vague one-liners...
Anyways, the thing why I am against it is mostly because such info is sometimes needed, sometimes not, sometimes it can even give wrong info or the wrong idea, sometimes even more info is needed, and sometimes such info can only be more confusing to the requester and thus they may even answer the wrong stuff leading to incorrect support...
... it is highly dependant from situation to situation.