Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Originally posted by ShawnZ
This is a script problem, not a problem with your computer (for reference)
Unless his Video Card isn't actually returned by Windows and it returns undefined (NaN - Can't do math on an undefined variable) Just another possible reason for it
In that case it should return an empty string or something. As shawnz said, it is a script problem (the 'undefined').
Though, it probably indeed also means his card does not return something, or isn't accessed the proper way to it can return something, etc. Nevertheless, such cases should be handled by the script too and thus in the end it is a scripting problem though.
PS: johndeere6810, if you have problems with a specific script, please search for the main thread for that specific script before making a new one. The forum is already cluttered enough with duplicated threads or threads about the same thing. It isn't handy for people to search for info about a specific script and it isn't handy for the developper of a specific script.
As such, this thread is reported for merging to
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