Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Originally posted by -!Felu!-
function BrowseForFile(InitialDir){
BrowseFilter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files|*.*";
var BrowseDialog = new ActiveXObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
BrowseDialog.Filter = BrowseFilter;
BrowseDialog.InitialDir = InitialDir;
BrowseDialog.Flags = "&H4";
return BrowseDialog.FileName;
Will that still work in JScript or should it be 0x4 or something
EDIT: Pasted code twice
you're right its susposed to be 0x4, &H just means hex in another langauge, but in js you use 0x. Also passing "&H4" is like passing "safswdfasdf" it means nothing to the program because its the wrong type and it has not a clue what &H4 means