First of all: I love this script!!!
Second: While I was trying to translate the script, I've found that I couldn't translate the preference tabs. After some research, I've found this in the WndPref.xml:
<Control xsi:type="RadioControl" Id="RadCountdown">
<Element xsi:type="FigureElement" Id="N2">
<Position Top="0" Left="0" Width="55" Height="39"/>
<Element xsi:type="TextElement" Id="RadGeneral1">
<Position Top="28" Left="0" Height="10" Width="55"/>
<Element xsi:type="ImageElement" Id="img1">
<Position Top="7" Left="17"/>
Just like your mistake in the English translation file:
<Control Id="RadCountdown">
<Element Id="RadCountdown1">
<Element Id="RadGenera2">
<Element Id="RadCountdown3">
Let's just say, it was late that night?
Note: these mistakes are not limited to the examples above.
And last: please make the FTP Upload settings labels (like Server, User and Port) right aligned and wide enough. At the moment, you
must use a word of the same length in order to make it look good. So, set their width and left position the same and use an <Align> tag.