I wasn't sure if this problem was related to the others so I decided to post this now and get moaned at later if it was.
Sorry if it is.
Anyway onto the problem. Take yesterday for example. I installed Plus and everything worked. I also installed a Birthday Reminder Script onto it. Still working fine.
However this morning and today I open Windows Live Messenger 8 and Plus is not on there. The Birthday Reminder Script was working though, as it was my friend's birthday and the toast came up.
The 'Plus' bit had disappeared from the top toolbar and main conversation windows. I decided to install it again, and same as yesterday everything worked again.
The problem is that I have to install Plus every single day otherwise it doesn't appear to work.
This has been happening for quite some time now and I keep reinstalling it but it is becoming quite a drag now.
Does anyone have some advice?
All help would be appreciated