The "Change password" is meant to change the password of already encrypted logs. There is, luckily, a way to do it, but it requires calling the Log Viewer with some extra parameters.
- Open up the command prompt by going Start > Run and enter "cmd".
- Type:
cd "C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live"
or change the path to your Plus! Live installation directory and press Enter.
- Type:
"Log Viewer.exe" /Encrypt="C:\Documents and Settings\Someone\My documents\My Chatlogs\mylog.html" /Pwd="secret"
Here, you have to change the "C:\...\My Chatlogs\mylog.html" to the path where your unencrypted log is located. The /Pwd="..." parameter specifies the password used to encrypt. Optionally, you can add a /Dest="..." parameter to specify the destination of the encrypted log, by default this is the same directory with the same name, except from the extension change. Press Enter when the command is formatted like you want it.
- Log Viewer shall now encrypt the .html file and save an .ple file. Try to open the log and see if it works.
- Repeat step 3 for all logs you'd like to encrypt.
- Close the command prompt.
Tip: To paste from the clipboard in the command prompt, move the cursor with the arrow keys to the desired position, right-click and choose Paste. Ctrl+V doesn't work in the command prompt.