Originally posted by Mike
Originally posted by CookieRevised
For the second method your thing _must_ be an ActiveX DLL as it is the ActiveX object which will be linked to the script. There is a bound between your thing and the Plus! script.
Since I think that I will use an ActiveX dll to do that (just because I don't think I have a reason to use an exe), can you please explain that method? 
Look how VB6 plugins were made in Plus! 3, they are ActiveX DLLs. It is exactly the same thing you need to do; create a public class.
The class name you create is the class name you will be using in the Plus! script, for the special syntax and method for that, see the Xniff script.
Originally posted by Mike
Originally posted by CookieRevised
For whatever way you choose (but certainly with method 1), you must _always_ take into consideration that multiple Plus! windows can exist (eg: when the user uses polygamy) and that the Plus! windows don't always exist and/or the script isn't running. Also take into consideration that the user can be switched in Messenger. You do not want to send stuff from your thing to the Plus! script of another user who just logged in instead of the previous one.
Right, I forgot about that.
Well, I guess that I can solve this problem quite simply by setting the hidden window's title to the user's email (or a random string?) and then send that string to my DLL. My dll then, would use FindWindow and pass the string the script sent to the dll as the window's title to find the handle of the hidden window.
Or maybe, I could just send the hWnd of the hidden window to my DLL, since MsgPlus has a function of getting the hWnd of a script created window.
If you are going to do this using the ActiveX method (method 2), you don't need to test for the correct window as you wont be using any window...
The hidden Plus! window in method 1 is the thing which bounds your
thing to the Plus! script. With using ActiveX it is the ActiveX object itself which forms the bound; you don't need a window...
As such, an ActiveX object will be created for each instance of WLM you're running (that is: for each Plus! script which uses the ActiveX DLL), provided you don't change anything in the VB6 ActiveX properties. So this will automatically overcome polygamy problems.
I don't have access to the nessecairy tools atm (VB6 for starters) to give you a complete example in VB6 with associated script though, sorry...
Also, just for the record: Window titles shouldn't be considered unique, or at least a window title should be made as much as possible unique. Setting the title to the email of the user is far from unique! And the Window classes themselfs are certainly not unique either (extremely common mistake to make when people use the FindWindow API). The FindWindow APIs are used way to quickly without knowing their limitations. If you are looking for windows you better always search for windows with the same thread id (thus belonging to the same thread; in this case the thread of the WLM instance) and only in a second phase use the FindWindow API.