welll....i am not good at scripting, but yes it doesn't show any errors, but this is for IP connections:
Function called: OnGetScriptMenu
Function called: OnEvent_MenuClicked
and this is for settings
Function called: OnGetScriptMenu
Function called: OnEvent_MenuClicked
it show that the function are opened, but it doesn't show that they are closed like for exemple when I click on the update, that I clicked on the cancel button, and that the window was closed.....
when i remove the script and imported it again, with debuger opened, it showed there is an error:
Script is starting
Script is now loaded and ready
Function called: OnEvent_Initialize
Error: unknown (code: -2147217406)
File: IPGet_loadsave.js. Line: 28.
Function OnEvent_Initialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567
in a file IPGet_loadsave.js there is this, starting from the line 27:
function ReadDWORDValue(strKey, strValueName){
var objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:root\\defaulttdRegProv");
var method = objRegistry.Methods_.Item("GetDWORDValue");
var inParams = method.InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
inParams.hDefKey = intScriptRegRoot;
inParams.sSubKeyName = strScriptRegPath + strKey;
inParams.sValueName = strValueName;
var outParams = objRegistry.ExecMethod_(method.Name, inParams);
return outParams.uValue;
I holp this helps you, and sorry if you can't get what I'm talking 'bout, my english 's bad
10x in andvance !