O.P. Poligami for WLM 8.5 Beta
I'm using Windows Live Messenger 8.5 beta. In the file Poligami.js of Poligami script:
function messengerSignIn() {
Debug.trace( "MessengerSignIn" );
var hklm = -2147483646;
// if( path = GetStringValue( hklm, mKey, "InstallationDirectory" ) )
// path = path.replace( /\\/g, "\\\\" );
path = "C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\";
var objShell = new ActiveXObject( "Shell.Application" );
objShell.ShellExecute( path + "msnmsgr.exe", "", "", "open", 1 );
The if that assigned the path at "path" var request the content of a registry key, SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSNMessenger\\, but this not support Windows Live Messenger 8.5, so users need to add manually the path, like me. But which is the correct registry key?