Hello there, I've been looking for a script and am beginning to think that it has not been made, or is not possible.
A lot of my friends without Messenger Plus! complain to me about all of the colour tags in my name, but i enjoy having a colourful name. I can see where my friends are coming from, it is annoying looking through lines of gibberish and symbols just to find a few words.
I was wondering if there was a script, or one that could be made, that would display a separate screen name to people with or without Messenger Plus!
I wish thinking of something simple like:
Screen name for people without MSGPlus!: Bramiel
Screen name for people with MSGPlus!: [c=27]Bramiel[/c]
If someone thinks they would be able to make this, or if something similar is already floating about, then can you please help me
Thanks alot