I'm new to scripting in MSN, and have only just got through the tutorial, so far i've been wanting to make a very simple Auto Talker, example:
Bob: How are you?
Me: (Auto Talker) Alright, you?
I've been playing with a script that can supposedly do this, and can be changed and edited very quickly to do it, it's the Auto Nothing 1.1 Beta ( No, i wasn't going to just edit a couple of things and release it, i was just using it as a learning experiance).
While testing the Auto Nothing, i found that when my friends type to me while i'm working ( Like if they say wuu2 ), it doesn't automaticly reply, even when it's turned on, and it's scripting says it should, so, as that isn't working for me, could anybody please quickly nip up a script for me which will do as i would like, with maybe toasts for when it's on and off, and a menu for "Is Auto Talker on/off?" which will tell you if it's on/off, and another bit in there for "Turn On/Turn Off".
I know i'm irritating and you'll probably flame me, but i would like help, and you will get credits, thankyou.