Thanks Chris4
I have imported to Word and done a spell check, actually probably not for the last 100 or so lyrics, but previous to that I have. As for the grammer mistakes, (Im, not, I'm), I have the script set to cut off lyrics longer then the PSM length limit of 129 (I think, off hand Im not positive), so the apostraphe just lengthens it, so sometimes I dont include it.. I have typed in all the lyrics myself, so sometimes I just get lazy as well..
Its just for my own use right now, I didnt plan on submitting it to the database or anything like that, if I did, I would take my website out, or have it user defined. I just want some feedback on it in general, and then maybe in the future if I make a GUI for it, I would submit it
As for the lyrics, and the one you quoted, not really sure what you are getting at, but recently my (ex)girlfriend and I just broke up, so a lot of them are a little under the weather, I guess you could say. Not sure if thats what you were getting at though.