ok i have already looked at the script help file but it doesnt really help so could some1 please tell me how to add a multi line character into a message.
var Asterix
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage( ChatWnd, Message )
if (Message=='Adon')
Contact = ChatWnd
if (Asterix=='off')
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("", "Adder is now on");
if (Asterix==null)
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("", "Adder is now on");
return ''
if (Message=='AdOff')
if (Asterix=='on'){
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("", "Adder is now " + Asterix);
return ''
if (Asterix=='on')
if (ChatWnd==Contact){
Message2="_ (¯ | |¯¯) | | /¯¯' _"+
"¯ ._) | |¯¯\ |´¯`| \__, ¯"+Message+"_ (¯ | |¯¯) | | /¯¯' _"+
" ¯ ._) | |¯¯\ |´¯`| \__, ¯";
return Message2
thats entire script i made it so it added * infront and behide what u say but now i've changed the script to show my name infront and behide the text
EDIT for eddie: Yer i did make this script and i dont want a multi line name i just want something infront and behide my text that is multilined
The main question is is how do i use the # to make a new line