I think it could be from downloading adobe flash, cause I just got a new computer and in order to do anything like watch streaming vids on logo or make a playlist or anything, I had to download adobe flash and as soon as I did when I shut down the comp this cicero pop up end program popped up ... I sure hope its not anything bad, I am going to try and search the files in my system to see what it is and delete it, sometimes when you download plug ins there are bugs and the bugs can be infiltrated by hackers who reprogram the bugs into some sort of virus or maleware/spyware, so ...yeah, and I don't have any antivirus on my computer, the guy who got me fully loaded with MS office said that I can't go to youtube, myspace or even do any sort of instant msging, because apparently that's what crashed my last comp
But yeah, my theory is that its connected to adobe flash or something, which you have to download to do ANYTHING on sites now