Well guys I have started writing up the essential skinning guide for all you people out there wanting to learn how to skin.
I know that I won't be skinning for much longer so I figure share the knowledge instead of having it become lost.
Anyway I'm going to cover everything I can and start releasing a series of articles which will help in the skinning process. If there are experienced skinners who want to lend me a hand then please leave me a message
I would also like to get this guide translated to other languages, so if anyone is willing please leave a message here
Willz Skinning Guide - English
1: Introduction to Skinning
2: Your First Plus Skin
3: Dealing with RLE's
4: The Windows Live Messenger 8.5 Resource Bible
5: Controlling The Layout of Elements
Coming Soon
Willz Skinning Guide - Greek
Translation: Basilis Kakaronis
1: Introduction to Skinning
2: Your First Plus Skin