O.P. Custom Contact Display Picture & Nickname Fix
a request for the scripters out there:..
first of all, thanks for the one(s) who will take the time.
I wish I could change the Display Picture of my contacts so that I'll remember more who they are, maybe a picture of their faces, just like we change the nickname, maybe clicking on it, and the click goes to the "Change Display Picture" window, and we select a picture, but instead of applying it to our Display Picture, that it will apply to my contact Display Picture.
One thing I miss from the old Messenger Plus!. the fact that you applied a nickname to a message that the contacts used, but you didn't replace it, (better give an example):
your contact has 2 rows in wich to write whatever they want, they can write it like this:
the brave pirate
ahoy! I am traveling the sea!
when old Messenger Plus! used the function to nickname a contact it went like this
Jhon - the brave pirate
ahoy! I am traveling the sea!
and if the contacts changed the message of their first row:
The Conqueror
ahoy! I am traveling the sea!
Messenger Plus! used to display it like this:
John - The Conqueror
ahoy! I am traveling the sea!
I hope I explained well. the trick would be to modify the instruction of Replace the text, for the instruction to use the nickname text, but add a line after it, and the first row of the contact's text.
This post was edited on 12-25-2007 at 04:37 AM by Canoro.