O.P. Grayscale skins
Why is it that all the skins I import into Messenger Plus 4.5 turn themselves grayscale when I view it.
I've done what's to be done: Install MSN Live 8.5, Install Messenger Plus 4.5, Import skin, restart MSN.
I've download Vista Ultimate and Vista X to see if it was just the one skin. They were both working incorrectly.
I look into the XML file and see if there are any major differences, and there wasn't, so I can only assume all skin XML files are similar.
I say I've installed MSN, I mean I installed P4.5 onto L8.1, imported the skin realising it will not work, then installed L8.5, only to find it made things worse. I then uninstalled both, and re-installed them completely. Still doesn't work.