Originally posted by Andylongi
Could you pls add to the options to make the dp pics tiny i dont really like the big ones.
Okay, since a few people have asked about it, I will include mini/tiny display pictures in the next version so stay tuned. I will post about any updates here...
Originally posted by .Lou
Another thing; with stuffplug's timezone feature, I can't even see the timezone stuff because of the skin.
How are the timezone details meant to appear (could you include a screenshot), are they non-existent altogether on my skin or are they just the same colour as the background and hence not visible?
As far as I know I shouldn't have altered anything that would remove something like that altogether...
Originally posted by .Lou
Also, you should release it in the skins database.
I emailed the skin submission at the same time as I created this thread, MenthiX said that he has received it but apparently he is busy at the moment so I'm not sure when it will be added
Originally posted by .Lou
I've nominated you for skin of the month
Thanks a lot
Glad to see people providing some recognition for my work