Originally posted by stuartbennett
tried that and patchou has done a poor job of trying to explain it it makes no sense what so ever just reading it it has to compare your code to itself and tell you what youve done wrong to be any use please help.
That's because there's not much to explain, I suppose a few properties could require further description but most of it is self-explanatory. Everything you can put in your code is there, for example if you want to change the font colour of a Static Control:
Example current code:
<Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="lblBla">
<Position Top="35" Width="150" Left="15"/>
<Caption>Bla bla</Caption>
Click on 'StaticControl'
Wow, theres a diagram with a whole bunch of properties I can set for static controls and a 'Color' option available to me
<Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="lblBla">
<Position Top="35" Width="150" Left="15"/>
<Caption>Bla bla</Caption>
Click 'Color' -> You'll see that it has more properties nested under that (Red, Green, Blue are probably the most important).
<Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="lblBla">
<Position Top="35" Width="150" Left="15"/>
<Caption>Bla bla</Caption>
Click 'Red' ->
That's the end of the line - I no longer have a diagram, but rather some details telling me the type of value accepted (unsignedByte <-- This just means an integer from 0 to (2^8 - 1), that is 0 to 255, you don't really need to know this though as it explains the accepted value range right underneath), the minimum value accepted (0), and the maximum value accepted (255).
<Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="lblBla">
<Position Top="35" Width="150" Left="15"/>
<Caption>Bla bla</Caption>
Go back (hit the back button) and do the same for 'Green' and 'Blue' -> You'll find that they accept similar inputs as 'Red' did:
<Control xsi:type="StaticControl" Id="lblBla">
<Position Top="35" Width="150" Left="15"/>
<Caption>Bla bla</Caption>