Considering some elements, this site seems to come from spain :
- the url page name :
- the last part of the terms of use : "Le présent contrat est régi par la loi espagnole. "
- many mistakes in the text correspond to a bad translation from spanish to french : for exemple "su" (which can mean "your" or "his/her") is often translated in "son" (his) instead of "votre" in french.
ex. :
And it pretends to be an english company : "Abingerdale Limited, fiscal number 5833265, 94 Wigmore Street, London W1U 3RF, United Kingdom."
Some fun parts :
- the article 3.4 who refers to the copyright...
- the end of the terms of use who say that the contract depends on spanish law, and will be ruled by the London court of justice.
It would be interesting to find the french operator who provide the sms service, to discover who is his client.
And it would be tempting to hack spam & co this kind of sites, since their activity is illegal
(sorry for my english ^^)